Mangalorean Gosale Theil Piao/ Ridge Gourd Palya

This ridged and the textured gourd is one of my favourite vegetables. Appreciate its sweet and delicate flavours by simply cooking it with one of the simplest Mangalorean vegetable cooking styles called ‘theil piao’ which when literally translated means onion and oil. I have added a few more ingredients to enhance flavours of this vegetable.

Ridge Gourd/ Gosale/Doddak: 2 medium sized
Coconut desiccated/ fresh: 1 handful
Green chillies slit: 3
Curry leaves: 2 sprigs
Finely chopped ginger: 1 inch
Salt to taste
Oil: 2-3 tsps
1. Choose tender and young ridge gourds for this preparation. Wash the ridge gourd well. Using a peeler, peel off a layer over the ridges only. Cut the ridge gourd into half length-wise and then into thin slices across.
2. Put all the ingredients in a vessel, mix well, add 3tbps water and cook closed on a medium flame till done.


Gosale theil piao is ready. Serve hot as a side dish with plain rice and daaliso saar and masala fried fish.

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